Thursday, March 5, 2015


There is a topic trending on YouTube at the moment.  #DearMe, what would you tell 16 year old you.  I am going to make a video on this but thought I'd share it here also.


Dear 16 year old Carolann, if only you could hear this.  You would know that the world is what you make of it.  You will not always be unhappy and scared.  You will go through some amount of crap, but you will stand strong through it all.  
Cherish relationships, you never know when they will end.  
Don't stay angry.  Anger is a waste of time and Energy.  You will regret it later.  And things that seem so big to you now suddenly don't seem so nasty.  
Your mam and dad are only human.  There will come a day in the not so distant future when they will not be around.  You wont get a chance to ask them questions like 'where did your name come from?' or were you like your own children as a baby.  They both die very young and with regrets.  Don't let that be you.  Thankfully you get the opportunity to make amends with them both.  But it doesn't feel long enough and you will regret that.  
Your siblings are your first and best friends.  You would be lost without them so don't let them piss you off too much.  There will come a day when you don't see them enough.
You end up with your soul mate.  He will stand by you through the hardest of times, and you will do the same for him.  You will be happy and content, madly in love and feel very lucky.  So enjoy being single while you can cause it too is a flipping good time.
Kiss your babies every chance you get.  They are wonderful little humans who grow up far too quickly.
Don't sweat the small stuff.  This turns out to be your moto when you are in your 30's.  And its a sensible one. 
The grass is not greener on the other side.  Its all the same colour, its just what you do with the grass that matters.
Hair grows back so don't be afraid to experiment with it while you are young.  It might save you doing it in your 30's and people think you are having an early mid-life crisis.
Last but not least you're actually pretty alright.  Learn to live in your own skin and be proud of who you are.  

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